The Macallan單一麥芽威士忌呈獻
The Macallan Jazz Appreciation continues its promise to meld the finest of two artistic dimensions, bringing the delicate and complex art of forging and relishing whisky to work in perfect harmony with the beautiful world of jazz music. The Macallan kicks off this tribute to the rendition of jazz gurus since June this year with a series of performances that bring single malt whisky lovers in a territory of seamless cross-over with the fluid melodic art of jazz.
Standing in the centre stage of the collaboration is The Macallan’s philosophy of appreciation for the finer things in life. Maestro Ted Lo has been leading a cadre of exceptional jazz performances, captivating the soul and spirit of many who had the privileges to feel impressed by the trio’s sound and notes. The preceding two gigs have built up a great expectation among jazz lovers for the Grand Finale for this year, to be held in the nostalgic Tiffany’s New York Bar at International Grand Stanford. Tiffany’s ‘roaring 20s’ mood and ambience will prove to be perfect match for Ted’s majestic trio for this much anticipated performance.
Ted is going to groove with famed percussionist Dulip Charith Wijesinha and Scott Dodd, arguably the best jazz bassist in Hong Kong. A full line-up of some of the most fitting whiskies of the evening will be presented for appreciation along with the trio’s improvisation, led by whisky ambassador trainer and spirit judge Mr Eddie Nara. Guests will savour some of the iconic expressions of The Macallan, along with one of its latest release, The Rare Cask and a Hong Kong debut of its Edition 1. Another evening of sensation awaits!!
The Macallan爵士樂三重奏將貫徹把細緻複雜的威士忌風味帶進完美的爵士樂世界,使兩個藝術維度融為一體。自今年六月起The Macallan為單一麥芽威士忌酒迷帶來無與倫比的嶄新感官享受,由爵士樂大師所演繹的三重奏欣賞會揭開序幕,欣賞爵士藝術的音樂流動。
The Macallan Jazz Appreciation體現The Macallan所推祟「欣賞生活美好事物」的哲學,由本地爵士樂壇重量級人物、鍵琴手Ted Lo(羅尚正)領軍,在這場騷靈之旅藉著聲音的震動與音符的跳動去感受靈魂和精神的煥發,首兩場的音樂隨想曲超出了大家的想像,接下來的最終章,將在海景嘉福洲際酒店內,充滿古典氣息的Tiffany’s New York Bar中舉行,令爵士迷引頸以待。仿佛置身二十年代Belle Époque的大都會紐約時尚酒吧的心情及氣氛,將會與Ted Lo扣人心弦的爵士三重奏成為絕配。
Ted Lo將與香港炙手可熱的鼓手Dulip Charith Wijesinha以及香港爵士低音提琴第一人、御用貝斯手Scott Dodd,引領一眾賓客暢爵士樂的國度,三人的隨情創意作品將為這個晚上升溫。此外,威士忌大使導師及烈酒評審Eddie Nara將在場分享欣賞威士忌的心得,並帶領一眾賓客品嚐The Macallan的標誌性佳釀,包括最新推出的The Rare Cask及在香港初次登場的限量版The Macallan Edition No.1,營造又一個令人期待的晚上!
Date: 12th, November, 2015
Location: Tiffany’s New York Bar, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong
Address: 70 Mody Road, TST East, Hong Kong
Enquiry: 2585 2545
The Macallan Single Malt Whisky Presents :The Grand Finale of Jazz Trio!
The Macallan單一麥芽威士忌呈獻 爵士樂三重奏之最終回! The Macallan Jazz Appreciation continues its promise to meld the finest of two artistic dimensions, bringing the…

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