The Macallan Presents
Jazz Trio Finale
爵士樂,是一種可以帶動靈魂律動的藝術,假若配上來自蘇格蘭的生命之水,將會揉合成一個怎樣的嶄新感官享受?因此The Macallan較早前(11月12日)便於尖東海景嘉福洲際酒店內的Tiffany’s New York Bar中舉行2015最終回的爵士樂三重奏。 當日除了有三位爵士樂大師互相交織出一場美妙絕倫音樂表演,更有多款The Macallan單一麥芽威士忌伴隨大家度過一個美妙絕倫的爵士之夜。
自今年六月起The Macallan為威士忌迷帶來爵士樂三重奏欣賞會,來到令人引頸以待的最終章。爵士樂,從來不只是背景音樂,是當晚的主角,由本地爵士樂壇重量級人物、鍵琴手Ted Lo(羅尚正)領軍,還有香港炙手可熱的鼓手Dulip Charith Wijesinha以及香港爵士低音提琴第一人、御用貝斯手Scott Dodd,當中最引人入勝之處,是三人的隨情作樂,澎湃激情的鼓聲引領節奏鼓動、自由跳躍的弦音盡顯創意玩味,加上鍵琴的骨幹旋律穿梭,展現出自由爵士樂充滿創意的無限維度。
欣賞之餘各賓客更品嚐了The Macallan的多款佳釀,包括最新推出的The Rare Cask及在香港初次登場的限量版The Macallan Edition No.1,同場還有威士忌大使及烈酒評審Eddie Nara分享欣賞威士忌的心得,引領大家一同品嚐佳釀、欣賞樂章。無論是酒迷還是樂迷,或者兩者皆是的你,都能於席上盡情游走於美酒和樂韻之間。雖然三重奏進入尾聲,不過,向來具備創造力的The Macallan,我們正期待它下次為大家帶來的驚喜!
The Macallan Jazz Trio continues its promise to meld the finest of two artistic dimensions with the final performance last month. The Macallan Single Malt Whiskies and the soul driving Jazz performed by three highly sought-after Jazz masters, displayed an amazing array of enjoyment. Guests immersed in an impeccable harmony of fluid melodic art of jazz and the “water of life” from Scotland.
Since June, The Macallan has been bringing majestic jazz to single malt lovers. Jazz music was the protagonist of the evening – led by the local Jazz master, Ted Lo on keyboard, accompanied by Hong Kong’s hottest drummer, Dulip Charith Wijesinha, and top jazz contrabass in Hong Kong, bassist Scott Dodd. The audacity of jazz improvisation has brought a fascinating night to the guests. Passionate drum rhythm, flying and playful string sounds, with backbone keyboard melody reflected the boundless creation and freedom of jazz.
The show was held under a classic ambience of the Tiffany’s New York Bar at InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong, with the iconic whiskies of The Macallan, including The Rare Cask from The 1824 Master Series and the new limited release, The Macallan Edition No.1. Eddie Nara, a renowned whisky expert, shared his experience in whisky appreciation with tasteful jazz. No matter you are whisky enthusiasts or music lovers, the musical bridges with single malt delivered an impressive synchronization for both.
The Macallan Presents: Jazz Trio Finale
The Macallan Presents 爵士樂三重奏.2015最終回 Jazz Trio Finale 爵士樂,是一種可以帶動靈魂律動的藝術,假若配上來自蘇格蘭的生命之水,將會揉合成一個怎樣的嶄新感官享受?因此The Macallan較早前(11月12日)便於尖東海景嘉福洲際酒店內的Tiffany’s New York Bar中舉行2015最終回的爵士樂三重奏。 當日除了有三位爵士樂大師互相交織出一場美妙絕倫音樂表演,更有多款The Macallan單一麥芽威士忌伴隨大家度過一個美妙絕倫的爵士之夜。 自今年六月起The Macallan為威士忌迷帶來爵士樂三重奏欣賞會,來到令人引頸以待的最終章。爵士樂,從來不只是背景音樂,是當晚的主角,由本地爵士樂壇重量級人物、鍵琴手Ted Lo(羅尚正)領軍,還有香港炙手可熱的鼓手Dulip Charith Wijesinha以及香港爵士低音提琴第一人、御用貝斯手Scott Dodd,當中最引人入勝之處,是三人的隨情作樂,澎湃激情的鼓聲引領節奏鼓動、自由跳躍的弦音盡顯創意玩味,加上鍵琴的骨幹旋律穿梭,展現出自由爵士樂充滿創意的無限維度。 欣賞之餘各賓客更品嚐了The Macallan的多款佳釀,包括最新推出的The Rare Cask及在香港初次登場的限量版The Macallan Edition No.1,同場還有威士忌大使及烈酒評審Eddie Nara分享欣賞威士忌的心得,引領大家一同品嚐佳釀、欣賞樂章。無論是酒迷還是樂迷,或者兩者皆是的你,都能於席上盡情游走於美酒和樂韻之間。雖然三重奏進入尾聲,不過,向來具備創造力的The Macallan,我們正期待它下次為大家帶來的驚喜! The Macallan Jazz Trio continues its promise to meld…

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