With over 180 years of remarkable history, the renowned Bollinger is a historic and iconic winery in the Champagne Region for its precious customs and world-celebrated French Champagne. To champagne connoisseurs, Bollinger’s style is exceptionally recognisable beyond compared, which is attributed to the highly accurate wine-making craftsmanship and concept from the former respected generations – former wisdom and experience are pursued and treasured to the utmost.

要是你自詡此酒莊的擁躉的話,定要留意今年推出譽為「Bollinger傑出年度佳釀」的La Grande Année 2007。曾亮相《新鐵金剛智破皇家賭場》的La Grande Année,亦即Bollinger Vintage,代表酒莊對頂級優質佳釀的尊重和承諾。以70% Pinot Noir加上30% Chardonnay釀造,全部來自香檳區最優秀的特級田及一級田,包括Aÿ、Verzenay(Pinot Noir)及Avize、 Cramant、Oger(Chardonnay)。基酒全在橡木桶中發酵,展現出Bollinger一貫具力量而又優雅的風格,這種釀造方法在香檳區並不常見,因為工藝的掌握並不容易,然後經過在瓶中陳釀六至八年才推出。最新2007年酒身細膩,色澤金黃,撲鼻而來一抹新鮮杏仁香氣,繼而散發出香桃及芒果果香,伴隨絲絲乾柑橘及紅西柚的香烤味道。舌尖之上,豐厚蜜味酒身,呈順滑質感,蜜餞檸檬味道,略帶微甘,感覺清新。在酷熱天氣下慢慢細呷,一樂也!
If you reckon yourself as a fanatic for the winery, do keep an eye on the grand launch of “Bollinger’s Interpretation of an Exceptional Year” – La Grande Année 2007. Having gained its exposure in James Bond’s Casino Royale, La Grande Année is Bollinger Vintage at heart, representing their uncompromised respect to quality. It is a blend of 70% Pinot Noir and 30% Chardonnay, with grapes coming from the best Premier Cru and Grand Cru vineyards, including Aÿ and Verzenay for Pinot Noir; as well as Avize, Cramant and Oger for Chardonnay. All the base wines are fermented in barrel, to craft the unique character of Bollinger, which is powerful yet elegant. This technique is not common in Champagne as only a handful of winemakers could manage the balance of using oak barrels. The champagne is then aged in bottle on lees for 6 to 8 years before release. The latest 2007 vintage alludes delicate colour and golden hues. On nose, a first impression of fresh almonds, then yellow-flesh fruit aromas evoking peach and mango; toasted, roasted notes accompanied with dried citrus and pink grapefruit finish, are made to sense. On the palate, a lovely aromatic fullness with honey flavours and a smooth chalky texture, candied lemon notes and a delicious bitterness come with a wonderfully refreshing finish.

Mr. Bastien Mariani, Export Area Manager of Bollinger, visited Hong Kong earlier to introduce the latest La Grande Année 2007 on the launch luncheon.