

農曆新年快要到,跟親友共聚時,自然不少得要有葡萄佳釀在場。繼波爾多後,勃艮第酒釀是不少人的最愛,這個區擁有100個AOC,款式多樣且風格迥異;恰恰我們中國文化中的十二生肖也是各有獨特個性 。有見及此,布爾岡葡萄酒行業協會(BIVB)也搞搞新意思,創新地將12款來自勃艮第的葡萄美酒配合中國的12生肖,為你介紹新春版的勃艮第美酒天書! 肖鼠:Petit Chablis 十二生肖之首是鼠,亦是 12 種動物中體型最小的,特徵包括:喜歡夜間活動、靈敏過人、別具魅力 和多才多藝。Petit...

LVMH buys Clos des Lambrays

LVMH Group has bought their first Burgundian domain, Domaine des Lambrays, a few days back. After acquiring a few big names in fine wines like Château d’Yquem and Château Cheval Blanc in Bordeaux, this is their first move in Burgundy. Domaine des Lambrays owns...

Bouchard Wine Dinner At Bostonian

The Bostonian Restaurant in Langham Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui is helding a Bouchard Burgundy Wine Dinner on 27th September. Some premium white and red burgundy will be served including white Grand Cru of Corton-Charlemagne 2010, and the famous Beaune-Greves Givne de...