Porsche Design limited edition smartphone
Porsche Design and BlackBerry has issued their newly smartphone creation- the P’9982. The Crocodile Leather Edition is world limited in 500 only. Its body is crafted with stainless steel and adorn with genuine leather, these high quality materials giving you a superb experience. Of course, P’9982 inherited the unique design from Porsche Design, allowing users to feel the power of supercars. The BlackBerry 10.2 OS presents a more advanced core, making P’9982 become a unique and fashioned smartphone.
Porsche Design與BlackBerry聯手打造全新的P’9982智能手機現而推出。P’9982(鱷魚皮版) 全球限量500部,機身採用精鋼鍛造,配以皮革裝飾,非凡的材料與精緻的工藝給用家帶來無可媲美的使用體驗。同時,P’9982傳承了Porsche Design的獨有設計,讓用戶感受如駕馭跑車般的享受。另外,BlackBerry10.2版本操作系統則使手機有更先進的運行核心,使P’9982成為獨一無二的智能手機。
The P’9982 is available in Porsche Design Hong Kong, 1010 and other designated retail point.
P’9982智能手機於香港Porsche Design專賣店、1O1O門市以及各大指定零售商發售。
Porsche Design limited edition smartphone
Porsche Design limited edition smartphone Porsche Design and BlackBerry has issued their newly smartphone creation- the P’9982. The Crocodile Leather…

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