Häagen-Dazs新推藍莓雪糕 New blueberry ice-cream by Häagen-Dazs

Enjoying ice-cream at home in this hot Summer is just perfect. Häagen-Dazs has out the new blueberry ice-cream, using wild blueberries…

Enjoying ice-cream at home in this hot Summer is just perfect. Häagen-Dazs has out the new blueberry ice-cream, using wild blueberries from Canada and Europe.  It is sweet and a bit sour, so refreshing! Unlike other ice-cream, the air % in Häagen-Dazs are just around 20-25%, which can be named Italian Gelato. So rich, smooth and concentrate milk scents.
Häagen-Dazs Blueberry Ice-cream$25.9/100ml,$62.9/473ml

21 Jul, 2014