Ernest Vineyards The Engineer Pinot Noir 2012

Madison Wine // 2827 7288 // // HK$ 300

這是瓶很不錯的Sonoma Pinot Noir,平衡細緻,帶優雅的花香,點點菇香及泥土氣息,入口帶紅櫻桃及野莓的味道,酸度適中,單寧細滑,帶點點香辛料及黑椒的收結。具溫暖的新世界氣息,而又給人勃艮第溫柔的感覺,在這個春天不論單獨享用或作為佐餐酒,同樣美味。

This is a nice Sonoma Pinot Noir that is balanced and delicate, with nose of floral petals and touch of mushroom and wet earthy floor notes. On the palate it has seductive red cherry and wildberry flavour, balanced acidity and silky smooth tannin finished with touches of spices and black pepper. It brings the warmth of new world wine and the gentle Bourgogne touches. A wonderful wine to drink alone or with food in this spring time.

1 Feb, 2015

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