
The Glamorous Pink!

Mentioning Provence, the romantic pinkish rosé wine immediately comes to our mind. It used to be dark in colour before the whole region turned to a...

Bollinger全新酒款PN VZ15

作為007最喜愛的香檳,Bollinger以Pinot Noir作主要葡萄。而最稀有酒款VVF(Vieilles Vignes Françaises)更是來自單一葡萄園的100% Pinot Noir。今年他們推出一款全新酒款PN VZ15,同樣是以100% Pinot Noir釀造。...

German Wine Queen Encounter – Angelina Vogt

Angelina Vogt was crowned the 71st German Wine Queen in September 2019. C: Cru Magazine // A: Angelina Vogt C: May you tell our readers more about...

Rendezvous with The German Wine Queen

If every month has a color to fill, I believe the color of June would be filled with the tone of white and red wine. With the coming-back of...
The Glamorous Pink!

The Glamorous Pink!

Mentioning Provence, the romantic pinkish rosé wine immediately comes to our mind. It used to be dark in colour before the whole...

海造地設一對 法國「甜蜜波爾多」黃金甜酒與生蠔奢華玩味配搭 Sweet Bordeaux’s Golden Wines to Pair with Oyster this Autumn

海造地設一對 法國「甜蜜波爾多」黃金甜酒與生蠔奢華玩味配搭 Sweet Bordeaux’s Golden Wines to Pair with Oyster this Autumn

說起波爾多甜酒,相信各位定必想起貴腐甜白酒,葡萄在感染上「貴腐菌」後在表皮上會出現許多小洞使葡萄內水分揮發, 成葡萄乾的狀態,當中的糖分和各種風味都極度濃縮,所以便有舉世聞名的貴腐甜白酒出現。  ...

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Everyday Bordeaux 2018 成績公佈!

Everyday Bordeaux 2018 成績公佈!


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近年手工啤酒這股熱潮席捲全城,背後秘密到底是什麼?我們找來Heroes創辦人Chris Wong、HK Brew Craft大掌櫃Warren Yu及Thirsty Brothers銷售總監StellaLo為你一一揭曉。...

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Churton Pinot Noir The Abyss 2013

產於新西蘭著名產區Marlborough的單一葡萄園Pinot Noir。大部分人認為Marlborough只有Sauvignon Blanc,其實有不少優秀的Pinot Noir。這瓶以生物動力法耕種釀造的Pinot...

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