
Interview with Ms. Michaela Stander from WOSA Representative of Wines of South Africa Organization: Wines of South Africa (WOSA) Country: South Africa Interviewee:...

盡飲盡買@Wine HK

要數香港既熱閙氣氛又好的大型葡萄酒活動,Wine HK一定是其中之一。Wine HK將會在12月5至7一連三日在中環海璸舉行。活動其間,將會有超過100個攤位,合共超過800款葡萄酒可供品嚐及帶回家。活動中的葡萄酒名單更早已放上Wine HK的網頁,讓你飽覽當日將會嚐試到的葡萄酒。...

波爾多坡地葡萄酒(Côtes de Bordeaux)於香港慶祝成立五週年

自2009年波爾多坡地品牌(AOC Côtes de Bordeaux)誕生以來,四個坡地產區Blaye、Cadillac、Castillon及Francs的葡萄酒必須使用新的葡萄酒命名系統,不僅突出其位於「山坡」的特色,更提升波爾多坡地葡萄酒的知名度。...

西班牙Rioja 2014收成報告

Celebrating the Chinese New year! Food and Wine Pairing

Sensis Studio 進駐銅鑼灣

香港氣候暖和,對葡萄酒儲存是一大考驗,因此不少愛酒人都會設置恆溫酒櫃。法國設計的Sensis酒櫃可說是集合現代設計與實用於一身。最近他們聯同以精品酒釀為先的Victoria Wine...

Celebrating the Chinese New year! Food and Wine Pairing

Just Before the Harvest: Bordeaux

Earlier this month, we reported the early harvest in Sicily, here is a brief report from our good friend in Bordeaux, through the harvest has not started yet and the weather may still be changing, see what we might have for this vintage .

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Celebrating the Chinese New year! Food and Wine Pairing

What Else Besides Tempranillo?

Tempranillo以外   每逢提起西斑牙葡萄酒往往都離不開Rioja的Tempranillo等紅、白酒,而然西班牙盛產其他葡萄酒如Sherry,今期便為大家介紹較少人知的葡萄佳釀。有275年歷史的Bodegas...

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Celebrating the Chinese New year! Food and Wine Pairing

Making a Homey Nest ﹣ Liu Kai Chi

He knows that there are a lot of opportunities out there, but he is like a young cub enjoying itself in the comfortable nest and guarding its beloved family. Clamming up himself and following his heart, he is always pleasantly facing the outside world in a harmonious way.

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