新春美酒佳餚呈獻 Wine-to-gather X Super Star 常言道好的Food...
Sensis Studio 進駐銅鑼灣
香港氣候暖和,對葡萄酒儲存是一大考驗,因此不少愛酒人都會設置恆溫酒櫃。法國設計的Sensis酒櫃可說是集合現代設計與實用於一身。最近他們聯同以精品酒釀為先的Victoria Wine...
Château Mouton Rothschild 2013 × 南韓著名藝術家Lee Ufan.綻放葡萄寶鑽魅力
眾所周知,世界著名的一級酒莊Château Mouton Rothschild視其推出的每一瓶佳釀都是藝術品,而事實上,自1922年,Baron Philippe de...
Just Before the Harvest (2): Rioja
In Spain, Rioja is one of the northern region that will harvest a bit later than the south. See what our friend says...
Gambero Rosso – The Guardian of Italian Wines
大紅蝦 ﹣意大利酒的米芝蓮...
Just Before the Harvest: Bordeaux
Earlier this month, we reported the early harvest in Sicily, here is a brief report from our good friend in Bordeaux, through the harvest has not started yet and the weather may still be changing, see what we might have for this vintage .
Travelling in Wine – Château Lynch Bages
What Else Besides Tempranillo?
Tempranillo以外 每逢提起西斑牙葡萄酒往往都離不開Rioja的Tempranillo等紅、白酒,而然西班牙盛產其他葡萄酒如Sherry,今期便為大家介紹較少人知的葡萄佳釀。有275年歷史的Bodegas...
Making a Homey Nest ﹣ Liu Kai Chi
He knows that there are a lot of opportunities out there, but he is like a young cub enjoying itself in the comfortable nest and guarding its beloved family. Clamming up himself and following his heart, he is always pleasantly facing the outside world in a harmonious way.
Numanthia 5L Special Edition
If you’ve never seen a 5-litre bottle before, well here it is. From the Castilla y Leon region in Spain, it’s the...
Biodynamic Wines
生物動力葡萄酒 It is not a question here of going back to the debate that sets proponents and opponents of biodynamic...
Is It the Wine, or Us?
改變的是葡萄酒、還是是我們? ...