Wine & Spirits


法國香檳酒行業委員會(Comité Champagne)正式推出網上教育平台——Champagne Campus「香檳學院」以及同名手機App。   香檳委員會歷經一年時間研發出「Champagne Campus...

Johnnie Walker Blue Label x Father's Day


Cru x WOSA 2015

Cru has worked with WOSA for the second year to produce this special issue for South African wines promotion in April 2015. If you are interested in...

Interview with Mr. Marc Monrose from Domaines Roger Zannier Winery: Domaines Roger Zannier Country: France Region: Côtes de Provence Interviewee: Mr. Marc Monrose...
Celebrating the Chinese New year! Food and Wine Pairing

Bonhams 2016年首場威士忌拍賣會

Bonhams拍賣行將於1月22日(星期五)舉辦「古老及珍稀威士忌」(OLD AND RARE WHISKY)拍賣會,聚焦極品蘇格蘭、日本及美國老酒。 近年邦瀚斯積極進軍蘇格蘭及日本的單一麥芽威士忌拍賣市場,這次更帶來一些美國的古稀波本威士忌。...

Celebrating the Chinese New year! Food and Wine Pairing

Sensis Studio 進駐銅鑼灣

香港氣候暖和,對葡萄酒儲存是一大考驗,因此不少愛酒人都會設置恆溫酒櫃。法國設計的Sensis酒櫃可說是集合現代設計與實用於一身。最近他們聯同以精品酒釀為先的Victoria Wine...

Do you know Nebbiolo??


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Celebrating the Chinese New year! Food and Wine Pairing

The Macallan Breaks World Record!

The Macallan獲健力士世界紀錄 (Guinness World Records™)譽為「拍賣會上售出最昂貴威士忌」的殊榮。The Macallan 64 年 Lalique Cire Perdue水晶酒瓶在拍賣會上以$460,000 美金(£291,125英鎊)售出。拍賣所得的款項將全數撥捐非牟利慈善團體charity : water,幫助發展中國家的人民提供清潔、安全的食水。
Guinness World Records™ has awarded The Macallan the accolade of ‘most expensive whisky sold at auction’. The Macallan’s 64 Year Old in Lalique, Cire Perdue sold at auction for $460,000 (£291,125), with 100 percent of the proceeds benefitting charity: water, an organisation that provides access to clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations.

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