
Mentioning Provence, the romantic pinkish rosé wine immediately comes to our mind. It used to be dark in colour before...
作為007最喜愛的香檳,Bollinger以Pinot Noir作主要葡萄。而最稀有酒款VVF(Vieilles Vignes Françaises)更是來自單一葡萄園的100% Pinot Noir。今年他們推出一款全新酒款PN...
Angelina Vogt was crowned the 71st German Wine Queen in September 2019. C: Cru Magazine // A: Angelina Vogt C: May you...
If every month has a color to fill, I believe the color of June would be filled with the tone of white and red wine....
Jackson Family Wines is a brand of much popularity. This family-owned wine company, known for its high-end portfolio...
Luxury is not just about handbags, watches or fancy clothes and makeup. In my point of view, regardless of any...
譽滿全球、歷史悠久的干邑先驅-- 軒尼詩家族,Killian Hennessy傳承了家族的感性思維及敏銳眼光,於2007年成立了Killian Hennessy尊尚香水品牌。展現獨特優雅個性,揉合法式優雅及極致奢華生活品味。
Produced in the foothills of the Himalayas, near the legendary city of Shangri-La, Ao Yun is the fruit of an exceptional adventure that pushes the frontiers in winemaking, by creating a wine estate in a previously unexplored terroir.