(刊於2012年3月號CRU) 他當然清楚世界上還有更棒的,但卻仿傚懶得出洞的小動物一樣,總愛窩在這個舒舒服服,安安穩穩的溫暖巢穴,守護著最深愛的家人,用隨心隨緣的沉默態度,去跟周遭作出最恰到好處的互動,微笑地。 抱持的世界觀...

(刊於2012年3月號CRU) 他當然清楚世界上還有更棒的,但卻仿傚懶得出洞的小動物一樣,總愛窩在這個舒舒服服,安安穩穩的溫暖巢穴,守護著最深愛的家人,用隨心隨緣的沉默態度,去跟周遭作出最恰到好處的互動,微笑地。 抱持的世界觀...
If every month has a color to fill, I believe the color of June would be filled with the tone of white and red wine. With the...
To me, Michael Wong is, above all, an artist. And oftentimes, when describing Michael Wong, what follows is a slew of other...
It will be a real delight to have unlimited chilled sake in summer nights when gathering with friends. And it’ll be...
每當談到意大利葡萄酒,大家總會想起3B:Barolo、Barbaresco及Brunello di Montalcino。Brunello di...
隨著威士忌熱潮升溫,另一種烈酒Gin也越來越受歡迎,跟威士忌一樣,除了傳統的英國Gin之外,日本的Gin也非常受歡迎,今次適逢半島酒店的The Bar跟Roku Gin合作推出限定雞尾酒,我們也了解一下這款日本Gin到底有什麼不同。...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQej5o61rBY Winery: Gustav Country: Finland Region: Siikaniemi Interviewee: Mr. Harri...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOw3D008w5o Rodionov & Sons made the comeback of Russain grain distillates in...
Today, whenever you step into any starred fine-dining restaurant or hotel, you will find a brisk and energetic...