Wine List of Seta at Mandarin Oriental Milan Wins Prestigious Wine Spectator Award The wine list of the Seta restaurant (two...

Wine List of Seta at Mandarin Oriental Milan Wins Prestigious Wine Spectator Award The wine list of the Seta restaurant (two...
Celebrating its 20th Anniversary, Vinexpo Hong Kong 2018 ( 29-31 May 2018) is bringing more diversity and exciting events and...
去年美國加州大火,作為酒迷最擔心的當然是心愛的加州酒莊,尤其是Napa及Sonoma地區所釀造的優秀酒釀。從新聞看到的一遍火海到底對加州葡萄酒有多大影響呢?剛好我們上週隨California Wine...
澳洲環保葡萄酒品牌Banrock Station 早前與世界自然基金會香港分會合作,為新界米埔自然保護區籌款,共籌得港幣10 萬元。 於2013 年9 月1 日至12 月31 日期間,Banrock Station...
《釀.生活》9月號經已出版! A new look and more features than ever!! 全新設計及更多內容! Cover Story 封面故事: An Invigorating...
《釀.生活》8月號經已出版! A new look and more features than ever!! 全新設計及更多內容! Cover Story 封面故事: The Blue-Blooded Champagne, by...
Cru Blog is now online!! We are pleased to present the Cru Blog!! From hard copies to iPad version, we come online...