Is It the Wine, or Us?

Chivas James & John Special Edition

芝華士James & John創始紀念版 記得上一次芝華士推出的一款充滿玩味的限量版Revolve,那瓶身有別一貫的芝華士風格,形狀特別,甚至可以像陀螺般旋轉。今次推出的特別版,用上同一款酒瓶,但意義卻不同,那是向芝華士創始人James及John Chivas致敬,推出Chivas J&J (James & John)特別版,以別具特色的酒瓶設計向他們對威士忌的熱誠致敬。...
Is It the Wine, or Us?

Anthony Wong – Uncompromising Taste

黃秋生.從不妥協的品味   Photographer: Dennis Yong                 Venue: Angel’s Share   Hong Kong Film Award-winner, Anthony Wong, is a powerhouse actor, embodying charisma on-screen, and – as Cru finds out through a casual chat over wine – a candid yet...
From Seed to Blosoom – HK Sommelier Association

From Seed to Blosoom – HK Sommelier Association

Today, whenever you step into any starred fine-dining restaurant or hotel, you will find a brisk and energetic sommelier with a pin of grapes on their jacket, serving the wine elegantly and recommending you wines for your precious dinner. In the past, foreigners...
Is It the Wine, or Us?

Across the decade…Casa Lapostolle

橫跨十年光景 – Casa Lapostolle 非常榮幸能夠有很多機會,出席不同的品酒會,品酒午宴、晚宴,但有時候難免會失望而回,因為通常都是剛剛推出的新年份酒,不是說他們不夠好,可能是要求太高吧,其實只是我或我們的讀者更想知道的是這瓶剛推出的酒到底經過十來年以後會變成怎樣?會不會成為實至名歸的一瓶美酒。所以我對那些能給我Back Vintages舊年份酒的進口代理十分感恩。 早前便跟Lapostolle的莊主 Alexandera Marnier...