by Eddie Chui | 2012年8月31日 | Wine Pairing
Image : Fai Special Thanks : Chef Tsang, Ming Court, Langham Place 每當提起葡萄酒配中菜,你會想起什麼?波爾多紅酒?人氣之選的Pinot Noir?還是華麗的香檳呢?Alsace酒莊Trimbach的莊主Jean Trimbach有不一樣的見解。 What do you think of when we talk about Chinese food and wine pairing? Red Bordeaux? Trendy...
by Eddie Chui | 2012年8月29日 | Whisky
The Macallan 打破世界紀錄,在拍賣會上售出全世界最珍貴的威士忌 THE MACALLAN BREAKS WORLD RECORD FOR MOST EXPENSIVE WHISKY SOLD AT AUCTION The Macallan獲健力士世界紀錄 (Guinness World Records™)譽為「拍賣會上售出最昂貴威士忌」的殊榮。The Macallan 64 年 Lalique Cire Perdue水晶酒瓶在拍賣會上以$460,000...
by Eddie Chui | 2012年8月28日 | Wine
In Spain, Rioja is one of the northern region that will harvest a bit later than the south. See what our friend says at this moment. Roberto Ijalba Pérez of Bodegas Santalba, Rioja, Spain “The harvest forecast in the Denominacion de Origen Calificada...
by Eddie Chui | 2012年8月27日 | Wine
Earlier this month, we reported the early harvest in Sicily, here is a brief report from our good friend in Bordeaux, through the harvest has not started yet and the weather may still be changing, see what we might have for this vintage . Thibault Despagne, Bordeaux...
by Eddie Chui | 2012年8月21日 | Whisky
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