Luce, Marriage of Art and Wine

Luce, Marriage of Art and Wine

Luce,藝術與酒的結合   由意大利最顯赫釀酒家族之一的Fresobaldi家族,在Tuscany的Montalcino地區擁有不少葡萄園,因為時代變遷也好,新世代潮流也好,也展開了Super Tuscany計劃,其中一個便是Luce della Vite莊園。Montalcino一向是優質Sangiovese的重要產區,以生產充滿力量及可長時陳年的Brunello di Montalcino酒款聞名。...
Luce, Marriage of Art and Wine

Brazilian wines, have you ever tried?

  When we talk about wine from South America, we will think of Chile, Argentina. The most fascinating wines from these countries are mainly red, like the Cabernet from Chile and Malbec from Argentina. We may also have some interesting whites like the Torrontés, but...
Luce, Marriage of Art and Wine

Tawny from Barossa

Earlier this week, we have a lunch with the owner, Mr. Grant Burge and his wife Helen, of the famous Grant Burge Winery from Barossa Valley. We are among the earliest to taste the flagship “Meshach” Shiraz 2008. This Barossa shiraz is a good example of the...
Luce, Marriage of Art and Wine

Just Before the Harvest (3): Alsace

So Harvest is coming quickly in the northern hemisphere. This time we have friend from Alsace, telling us about the situation there: Philippe Durst from Domaine Dopff Au Moulin: “Samples taken in the vineyards over the last 10 days show quick ripening of the...

Do you know Nebbiolo??

很多人都知道意大利出名的酒款如Barolo及Barbaresco,人稱酒王及酒后。但他們又知道自己在喝什麼呢?遞出一瓶Gattinara大家都「灑手拎頭」,到底是什麼來,試也不試便錯過一瓶價廉物美的好東西。 Gattinara其實是意大利其中一個DOCG法定產區,跟Barolo及Barbaresco同屬優質法定產區,大家同樣是在意大利西北部的Piemonte省,而更重要是,這三個地區的酒都是以Nebbiolo為主,因為名氣不大,往往被忽略,實在很可惜,大家以後不妨多留意啊。   You all know the...