Margaret River at Hong Kong.

Margaret River at Hong Kong.

Novemeber is always a month for wine lovers in Hong Kong, following the Wine and Dine Festival, we have the Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Fair. Therefore winemakers and wineries representatives are all flying to Hong Kong to showcase their wine. This year...


時光輪流轉,近年威士忌的熱潮好像回復過來,尤其是一眾Single Malt威士忌更加是飛上枝頭。但除了一眾大廠釀造的Single Malt之外,也有不少較小型的蒸餾所,例如Glenfarclas。這家族生意已傳至第六代,有差不多180年歷史。 他們剛剛在香港推出達50年的單桶(Single Cask)威士忌,1963年Cask174,番看記錄,他們會定期推出由家族酒窖挑選出的酒桶灌裝發售。只有136瓶。因此特別訂製了記念禮盒。每瓶建議零售價達HK$38,000。 在悠閒的下午,我們來到中環的Angel’s...
Margaret River at Hong Kong.

Champagne Laurent-Perrier on Victoria Harbour 與Laurent-Perrier香檳同遊維港

上月,我們跟Laurent-Perrier的總監Guillaume Deglise及中港澳代理ASC同遊香港維港,一邊欣賞維港兩岸景色,一邊享用Laurent-Perrier的各款香檳,包括最受歡迎的Rosé香檳及尊貴的Grand Siècle香檳。Laurent-Perrier創立於1812年,是香檳區第五大莊,是少有至今仍是由家族掌控的大香檳莊。Guillaume提到他們對品質的嚴謹要求,是成功的主要因素,在競爭激烈的市場,市場推廣是次要。 當中的Grand Siècle香檳,是莊中的頂級酒釀。以Pinot...
Margaret River at Hong Kong.

Te Wahi by Cloudy Bay

Earlier this month, we were invited to visit Cloudy Bay in Marlborough to look around their winery and vineyards, and to join the annual World Pinot Noir tasting. Through based in Marlborough, Cloudy Bay didn’t stop exploring the different terroir and new...