Single-malt X Jazz – Trio of Soul Journey

The Macallan單一麥芽威士忌 X 爵士樂.交織靈魂之旅三重奏 Why the hard liquor is called “Spirits”? We believe that fans of whisky know it well.…


The Macallan單一麥芽威士忌 X 爵士樂.交織靈魂之旅三重奏

Why the hard liquor is called “Spirits”? We believe that fans of whisky know it well. In addition to the essence of wine distilled from the malt and the sweet fragrance extracted the wooden barrel, a drop of whisky touches the heart and the soul. What kind of soul journey will be created if it goes with the jazz which achieves a similar result? Last month (September 17), a jazz trio was held in Alibi stylish restaurant of Cordis in Mong Kok (previous Langham Place Hotel)! It is a music audition jointly presented by local jazz masters and The Macallan, a single-malt scotch brand which is beloved by people in recent years.

The scene of the concert that night was quite hot. How can the atmosphere not be alive when it comes to music and whisky! The participants of that night were important figures in the field of jazz and whisky: jazz master Ted Lo on keyboard, Scott Dodd the first double bassist in Hong Kong, together with Anthony Fernandes, one of the most popular drummer among Canto pop artists presented jointly a jazz feast. As for the enjoyment for the taste buds, it was provided surely by a variety of different single-malts of The Macallan, and Eddie Nara, one of the judges of International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC) in Britain and Hong Kong shared his tasting experience. At that night, different varieties of The Macallan were warmly welcomed, especially the latest, The Macallan Rare Cask which was highly beloved by the audience. Other series such as Fine Oak and Sherry Oak increased greatly the interest of whisky fans. We believe that, all the audience would agree that tasting such delicious single-malt whisky under the emotional appeal of the pleasant jazz was a rare match and unforgettable moment.


烈酒之所以名為「Spirits」,相信酷愛威士忌的酒迷定必了解,除了是以麥芽蒸餾出精粹酒液、萃取自木桶的芳華,喝下去更是觸動靈魂的時刻。如果以有異曲同工之妙的爵士樂,能夠交織出怎樣的靈魂之旅?於上月(9月17日)在旺角康得思酒店(前朗豪坊酒店)的Alibi型格餐廳,舉行了一場爵士音樂三重奏!乃是與近年人人趨之若騖的The Macallan單一麥芽威士忌聯同本地爵士樂大師呈獻的欣賞會。

於音樂會當晚場面相當熱鬧,說到音樂與威士忌,氣氛如何不高漲!當晚現身的都是爵士樂壇及威士忌界的重要人物:爵士大師Ted Lo(羅尚正)為鍵琴手、香港爵士低音提琴第一人、御用貝斯手Scott Dodd,與香港廣東流行曲中最受歡迎的鼓手之一的Anthony Fernandes共演一場爵士樂盛宴。至於味蕾上的享受,當然由多款不同的The Macallan單一麥芽威士忌提供,在場有英國及香港國際葡萄酒暨烈酒大賽烈酒評審(IWSC)之一的林明志(Eddie Nara),為大家分享品嚐心得。當晚各款The Macallan都炙手可熱,尤其是最新推出的The Macallan Rare Cask受到觀眾的熱愛,其他系列如Fine Oak及Sherry Oak酒款,也令各酒迷興致大增,能在悅耳的爵士樂牽動情緒下,品嚐到如此美妙絕倫的單一麥芽威士忌,相信參與者都會同意,這是一個難得的配搭與時刻。


1 Oct, 2015

Local wine magazine founded Hong Kong. It covers not only news about beverage like wine, whisky, sake...etc, it also features lifestyle trends about dining, cocktails, travel, gadgets, and luxury parts composing the metropolitan lifestyle in Hong Kong.