Gambero Rosso – The Guardian of Italian Wines

大紅蝦 ﹣意大利酒的米芝蓮 大紅蝦(Gambero Rosso)是意大利最有影響力的飲食及葡萄酒出版及廣播權威,成立於1986年。為了推廣意大利的葡萄酒文化到世界各地,由1987年開始,以簡單的通訊形式開始出版葡萄酒評鑑 《Vini d’ Italia》,最初只品評較少量的葡萄酒,慢慢發展至現在的規模,更加成為了世界性的意大利葡萄酒權威刊物,有如意大利酒的 《米芝蓮指南》。 Gambero Rosso, the international food, wine, publishing and broadcasting conglomerate founded in 1986, is influential and authoritative…

大紅蝦 ﹣意大利酒的米芝蓮

大紅蝦(Gambero Rosso)是意大利最有影響力的飲食及葡萄酒出版及廣播權威,成立於1986年。為了推廣意大利的葡萄酒文化到世界各地,由1987年開始,以簡單的通訊形式開始出版葡萄酒評鑑 《Vini d’ Italia》,最初只品評較少量的葡萄酒,慢慢發展至現在的規模,更加成為了世界性的意大利葡萄酒權威刊物,有如意大利酒的 《米芝蓮指南》。

Gambero Rosso, the international food, wine, publishing and broadcasting conglomerate founded in 1986, is influential and authoritative in Italy. To promote Italian wine culture to other parts of the world, it published the Gambero Rosso guidebook Vini d’ Italia in late 1987 in newsletter format with reviews of a limited number of wines – serving as a modern Bible of Italian wines.


每年Gambero Rosso都會把大約20,000瓶葡萄酒的評論、酒莊的簡介放進這本意大利天書,包括每年評鑑,獲得最高的「Tre Bicchieri」三杯酒殊榮。2011年他們推出了第24本評鑑,當中包括20,000瓶葡萄酒的品評,當中402瓶獲得三杯酒的評分。它是一本專業、製作認真的意大利葡萄酒指南。而當中的20,000瓶葡萄酒是從意大利各地區不同酒莊,約40,000瓶酒中選出來的。每年年中開始,他們旗下70多名的獨立專業的酒評家會到不同的產區,從當地的酒區協會及各酒窖收集不同的樣本,然後進行蒙瓶品評,根據嚴謹的準則評審各款葡萄酒,以一杯、兩杯或三杯酒來評分。

Published annually, the guidebook compiles information on current vintages, including the results of its prestigious Tre Bicchieri, or “three glasses” awards. In the 24th edition that is published in 2011, it contains reviews of about 20,000 wines, with 402 of them were awarded Tre Bicchieri. The Gambero Rosso Guidebok is not a coffee-table display book, but a serious and focused guide to Italian wine world. The 20,000 wines are selected among the 40,000 wines produced in different wineries across Italy. Starting at mid-year, more than 70 well-respected and independent wine evaluators travel extensively across the country and collect wines that are collected and made available by local consortiums and regional wine cellars. They carry out blind tasting on every bottle of wine and rate according to bicchieri, or glasses. The wines are classified by quality and awarded one to three glasses.

「我們有一套易明的評分方式:『一杯酒』代表那是一款不錯的葡萄酒;『二杯酒』代表更出色的酒;而『三杯酒』便是品質非凡的頂級葡萄酒,獲得最高評價。」《Vini d’Italia》的編輯Marco Sabelico說道。而這簡單易明的分級其實也是以常見的100分作為基礎,「『一杯酒』大約相等於70至79分;『二杯酒』代表80至89分;而『三杯酒』則代表90至100分。」今年從各個地區的初步評審中,共有1,200瓶受高度評價的葡萄酒被選進最後的評審會,從而選出真正的「三杯酒」葡萄酒,那個評審會是由全意大利的頂尖品酒師及酒評家組成,具有相當的公信力,而且過程十分嚴謹。而這最後的評審也是以蒙瓶試飲進行,在多輪試酒後並由評審會的各委員經過討論,才會作出最後的決定,評定一瓶葡萄酒的得分。如果在最後一輪的三杯酒評審中不能達到最高的標準,則會授予紅色的「兩杯酒」評分。

“We have an easy-to-understand scoring system: the good wines receive one glass, the very good ones receive two glasses and the exceptional ones belong to three glasses – the top award,” Marco Sabellico, senior editor of Vini d’Italia, says proudly. This system is considerably related to the popular 100-point scale. The tasters give scores from 60 to 100 when they rate the wines. “One glass is roughly equivalent to 70-79, two glasses are from 80 to 89 and three glasses are from 90 to 100.” The top-rating wines from the regional tastings, a total of 1,200 this year, moved onto the final competitive tastings by the Tre Bicchieri panel consisting of leading wine professionals from throughout Italy. The final round of tasting involved multiple blind tastings with each wine discussed and analyzed collectively by the panellists prior to their formal judgment. For wines that were selected as candidates for three glasses but off the standard all the way, two red glasses were given to them.

由第一本指南出版以來,便已同時推出德文及英文版。今年,大紅蝦更正式推出第一本中文版的指南,是第一本西方語言以外的版本。他們希望籍著中文版本,將意大利的葡萄酒文化帶到香港及中國地區,及其他華語的地方。中國的葡萄酒愛好者對意大利酒的興趣越來越濃厚,他們也能從這本指南知道更多的意大利葡萄酒知識。每年,大紅蝦都會在秋冬的時候公佈三杯酒的得主。在去年十月,他們在羅馬正式公佈2012年的結果,並將會在第25本《Vini d’Italia》年鑑中收錄。除了「三杯酒」大獎外,還有其他的特別的獎項,例如:年度最佳酒莊、年度最佳紅葡萄酒、白葡萄酒、氣泡酒及甜酒;還有最佳釀酒師、最佳葡萄園專家、最佳新興酒莊、最超值葡萄酒等等。

Since its first publication, the Gambero Rosso guidebook has been translated to German and English. This year, the first-ever non-European edition was released – the Chinese edition of Vini d’ Italia – to spread the culture of Italian wines across Hong Kong and Mainland China, as well as make it more accessible to the Chinese-speaking community. The translation also serves as an educator to provide genuine information and knowledge about world of Italian wines to the emerging Chinese wine lovers. Every year, Gambero Rosso announces the winners of the three glasses awards at fall/winter time for the next year. In early October this year, the results for 2012 were formally released in Rome and are to be published in the 25th edition of Vini d’ Italia – in all versions. Apart from the Tre Bicchieri awards, other special awards including Winery of the year, Red wine of the year, White wine of the year, Sparkling wine of the year, Sweet wine of the year, Winemaker of the year, Oenologist of the year, Emerging Italian winery, Best quality/price ratio, The Green glasses etc. were also announced.

來年,將總共有375瓶獲得三杯酒評分的葡萄酒。四個主要產區,包括Piedmont、Tuscany、Veneto及‭ ‬Friuli總共獲得其中184個獎項,佔了差不多一半。在Piedmont,一如以往,大部分的獎項都是由著名產區如Barolo及Barbaresco的葡萄酒獲得,佔了區內的超過一半得獎酒款,當中包括著名的酒莊如Gaja、Sandrone、Bruno Giacosa及Mascarello。在剛過去的十一月,他們還帶來多個獲得三杯酒殊榮的酒莊來港舉行了一場品酒會,讓喜愛葡萄酒的人進一步認識這些頂級意大利葡萄酒。除了傳統的印刷出版外,大紅蝦也隨時代進步,推出智能電話的Apps等等作多方面的發展。而他們也擁有自己的電視頻道,Gambero Rosso Channel,在電視、網上電視廣播,跟廣大的觀眾分享有關各類葡萄酒及美食的資訊。他們在中國市場以外,下一個目標將會是南美洲地區。

There are altogether 375 three glasses winners for the coming year. The top four regions, Piedmont, Tuscany, Veneto and Friuli, account for a combined total of 184 awards – slightly less than half of the total number. Take Piedmont as an example, the winning wines are again dominated by Barolo and Barbaresco, which account for over half of the total number of award-winning wines from the region. Famous names such as Gaja, Sandrone, Bruno Giacosa and Mascarello are on the list. In last November, they brought all the awards winner to Hong Kong for a tasting event in order to let more local wine lovers to know more about these Tre Bicchieri wines. In addition to the traditional paperback publication, Gambero Rosso also launches applications for smartphones and tablets to cater for the changing demand in the digital world.  Meanwhile, the Gambero Rosso Channel, will continue to connect and share with consumers by providing live stream TV, Online TV and Internet TV stations to worldwide wine lovers. The release of the Chinese edition of Vin d’ Italia marks another milestone for Gambero Rosso – a further move into the Chinese market. Their next target will be the South American countries.

(from March 2012 Issue of Cru Magazine)

28 Aug, 2012

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