If you’ve never seen a 5-litre bottle before, well here it is. From the Castilla y Leon region in Spain, it’s the latest gem from the winegrowing heritage of hundred-year-old Tinta de Toro (Tempranillo) vines. To celebrate the momentous occasion, winemaker Manuel Louzada has released a limited edition of only 134 bottles of vintages, perfectly encasing it within a hand-made black wood and copper box, an epitome of elegance. This never-before-seen bottle ensures the wine ages perfectly and slowly over time as we know the aging potential of this wine is really good. I always prefer it to sit in your cellar for more than 10years before showing its best taste.
假如大家從沒見過一支5公升的紅酒,藉此機會大開眼界吧。來自西班牙Castilla y Leon地區,Numanthia採用了達百年的Tinta de Toro (Tempranillo)葡萄藤。為慶祝全新葡萄酒的推出,釀酒師Manuel Louzada特別推出了Numanthia限量5公升版,全球只售134支。這款好酒的陳年潛力非常驚人,我覺得至少放上10年才能全面發揮她的實力。