Innovations Bring Excellence 創新成就卓越未來

Innovations Bring Excellence 創新成就卓越未來

每當談到意大利葡萄酒,大家總會想起3B:Barolo、Barbaresco及Brunello di Montalcino。Brunello di Montalcino也是意大利葡萄酒產中早於1980年獲得最高DOCG級別的四個產區之一。產區歷史可追溯到十四世紀。而當中最為人熟悉的酒莊之一,Castello Banfi更被認為是把Brunello帶到世界酒壇,並將這位於意大利中部的產區帶到摩登紀元。踏入酒莊四十週年,第三代掌舵人Cristina Mariani May更遠赴香港,將酒莊的前世今生跟我們分享。 平民奢華...
Churton Pinot Noir The Abyss 2013

Churton Pinot Noir The Abyss 2013

產於新西蘭著名產區Marlborough的單一葡萄園Pinot Noir。大部分人認為Marlborough只有Sauvignon Blanc,其實有不少優秀的Pinot Noir。這瓶以生物動力法耕種釀造的Pinot Noir,豐厚而優雅,新世界氣息濃厚,帶豐富的黑櫻桃、漿果香氣,並散發點點乾玫瑰花香,入口帶點香料的辛香,絕對可以媲美優秀的現代風格布爾岡佳釀。莊主細心把葡萄園劃分成不同的區塊,以展現個別區塊的風土。這瓶單一葡萄園跟他們的Pinot...


去年美國加州大火,作為酒迷最擔心的當然是心愛的加州酒莊,尤其是Napa及Sonoma地區所釀造的優秀酒釀。從新聞看到的一遍火海到底對加州葡萄酒有多大影響呢?剛好我們上週隨California Wine Institue到訪Napa及Sonoma,路經不少葡萄園、酒莊,他們都完好無缺,在Napa及Sonoma總共超過600間酒莊,其有9間受較大影響,而嚴重受損的也就只有數間而已。大部分的受損地均為山坡上及民居,葡萄園不會整片燒起來。以下有兩個常見流傳的誤點: 煙燻葡萄酒?...
Glenmorangie Finealta

Glenmorangie Finealta

Glenmorangie has always reserved a place at my whisky rack. And I always share the 18yrs extremely rare with beginners of whisky, where they will fall in love with whisky because of the floral aroma and elegant style, not as strong as others. It is indeed one of the...
If there were no en primeur

If there were no en primeur

 假如沒有en primeur   After three exceptionally great vintages, there seems to be a slowdown in en primeur market this year. Hit by the economic downturn, the market price of 2008 Bordeaux vintage was decreasing closely to the en primeur price. Another reason is that...