Everyday Bordeaux 2017 Results

2017年度每天波爾多100瓶入選酒款成績經已公佈!可從下列表單選取你想知道的酒款,全由本地多位葡萄酒專家所選 […]

Everyday Bordeaux 2017 Results are released. You can check out the table below to pick up the acclaimed Bordeaux wines by wine experts from HK. Bordeaux is not just about the top Grand Cru growths, there are many affordable wines for daily consumption.

Everyday Bordeaux 2017

wdt_ID Sopexa Code Wine image Vintage Category Appellation Volume Retail Price Distributor Website Email Tasting Note 品酒筆記
1 1 Château Platon 2015 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 80 Allied Freres Fine Wine Limited https://www.alliedfreres.com/ alliedfreres@netvigator.com Ruby colour, nose of blackcurrant, coffee and dark chocolate. High acidity with strong tannin. 顏色呈紫紅色,聞香帶有豐富黑加侖子、咖啡及黑朱古力香,入口酸度豐富,單寧強勁。
2 6 Château de Lisennes 2010 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 110 Capitale Wine International Company Limited https://www.capitalewine.com/ cedric@capitalewine.com Pleasant dark fruits, spice and violet aroma. Good structure and can be aged. 聞香帶深色水果味,並有點紫蘿蘭及甜椒味,酒體結構完整,具陳年潛力。
3 7 Château Lacoste Garzac 2014 Red Bordeaux Supérieur 750ml 200 Catangi Wine https://www.catangi.com/ alexandra@catangi.com Attractive spicy nose with blackcurrant and ciger aroma. Firm structure and good acidity. 擁有迷人的辛辣、黑加侖子及雪茄香味,入口結構強而有力,而且酸度出色。
4 8 Château le Faure 2015 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 129 China Resources Vanguard (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. https://www.crvanguard.com.hk elenahui@crvanguard.com.hk Blackcurrant aroma follow with hints of floral and perfume. Typical and strong tannin with length. 典型波爾多風格的酒,帶有黑加侖子、花香及香水味,單寧強勁而餘韻綿長。
5 10 Château de Valandraud 2013 Red Saint-Émilion Grand Cru 750ml 168 Dream Wines https://www.dreamwines.hk/ info@dreamwines.hk Intense fruity spicy nose and floral fragrance with oaky aroma. Creamy structure and soft tannin. 聞香有非常強烈的果香及花香,更帶點橡木香味,口感幼滑,單寧柔和。
6 11 Château Amour 2014 Red Médoc 750ml 200 Emtex Fine Wine & Gourmet Ltd. https://www.emtex.com.hk/ rickyli@emtex.com.hk An easy drinking wine with black fruits, earthy and herbal aroma. Well balanced and with dried herbs on finish. 非常討好的酒,香味帶黑果、香料及泥土。結構平衡而優雅,餘韻更帶點香料味。
7 13 Sirius 2014 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 122 Everwise Wine Limited https://hk.everwisewine.com defranco.leung@everwisewine.com Clear Ruby in colour with berries, plum, leather aroma. High acidity and long length. 顏色清徹,呈紫紅色,聞香帶有野莓、布冧及皮革味,酸度豐富而餘韻綿長。
8 21 Dourthe N1 Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 175 Jointek Fine Wines (Hong Kong) Limited https://www.jointekfinewines.com.hk/ charlotte@jointekfinewines.com.hk Excellent Bordeaux Style wine with dark fruits, coconut and smoky nose. Balanced and velvety tannins. 優質波爾多風格葡萄酒,帶有黑果、椰子及煙燻味,酒體平衡,單寧如絲絨般順滑。
9 24 Château Puygueraud 2011 Red Francs Côtes de Bordeaux 750ml 140 Kerry Wines Limited https://www.kerrywines.com/ aurora.ho@kerrywines.com Young and elegant wine. Nose of dark red fruits. Well balanced and light tannin. 一支年輕而優雅的酒,有成熟紅果香味,單寧輕盈而平衡。
10 27 Château Montgaillard Classic Wine 2015 Red Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux 750ml 160 Wine Discovery Company https://www.winediscovery.com.hk/ veron@winediscovery.com.hk Nose of cherry, floral and smokey. Good structure and well balance. 聞香帶有櫻桃、花香及煙燻味,酒體結構出色而平衡。
11 28 Château Maucamps 2010 Red Haut-Médoc 750ml 199 The Dairy Farm Company Limited https://www.wellcome.com.hk chelau@dairy-farm.com.hk Deep red in colour with red berry and mints aroma. Complex on palate and strong tannin. 顏色呈深紅色,香味帶有紅莓及薄荷,入口複雜,單寧附勁。
12 30 Château Trébiac 2014 Red Graves 750ml 160 Vins & Vignerons (Hong Kong) Limited https://n/a vinz.garnier93@gmail.com Nose of red fruits, cherry and oak. Good structure and full body wine. 聞香帶紅果、櫻桃及橡木味,酒體強勁而結構出色。
13 31 Château Farguet 2014 Red Montagne Saint-Émilion 750ml 200 Cave de Paris Wines https://www.cave-de-paris.com/tc/ carman@cave-de-paris.com Dark ruby colour with oaky, smokey and red fruits aroma. Well balanced and nice body. An elegant wine. 深紫紅的酒色,帶有紅果、木桶及煙燻味,酒體優美而平衡,是一支典雅的酒。
14 38 Berrys' Good Ordinary Claret 2014 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 80 Berry Bros & Rudd (Hong Kong) Limited https://www.bbr.com/hk-home amanda.longworth@bbr.com Hint of black fruits, plum, chocolate and cinnamon nose. Good acidity, long length with dry herbal finish. 香味非常複雜,有黑果、布冧、朱古力及丁香等,入口酸度出色、餘韻綿長,收結時更有豐富香料味。
15 39 Château Penin "Grande Sélection" 2014 Red Bordeaux Supérieur 750ml 98 Culina (Hong Kong) Limited https://www.culina.com.hk/ Josephine.lalanne@culina.com.hk Nose of blackcurrants, violet and spices. Drying firm tannin and high acidity. 聞香有黑加侖子、紫蘿蘭及辛辣味,單寧強勁並帶有優秀的酸度。
16 40 Château Roc de Levraut 2015 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 148 Dat's Wine https://www.datswine.com/en/ chrislaw@datswine.com / ivychow@datswine.com Complex nose of dark fruits, toffee, ciger and chocolate. High acidity, long length with slightly bitterness finish. 香味複雜,帶有深色水果、拖肥糖、雪茄及朱古力味,酸度強勁,餘韻更帶少許甘苦的感覺。
17 42 Château Saint Hilaire 2012 Red Médoc 750ml 180 Everwise Wine Limited https://hk.everwisewine.com/Default.aspx defranco.leung@everwisewine.com Black berry, plum and herbal aroma with dry firm tannin. Long length and with aging potential. 聞香帶黑莓、布冧及香料味,單寧結實,餘韻甚長,具陳年潛力。
18 62 Baron La Rose Bordeaux 2014 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 150 Jointek Fine Wines (Hong Kong) Limited https://www.jointekfinewines.com.hk/ iris@jointekfinewines.com.hk Nose of blackcurrants, cherry and herbs. Soft tannin and pleasant length. 帶有黑加侖子、櫻桃及香料味,入口單寧柔滑,餘韻愉悅。
19 66 Château Lousteauneuf 2010 Red Médoc 750ml 158 Kerry Wines Limited https://www.kerrywines.com/ aurora.ho@kerrywines.com Nose of fruits, oaky, vanilla and coco with good complexity. Fairly long length. 具有豐富果香、橡木、雲呢嗱及可可香味,入口複雜且餘韻頗長。
20 67 Château Massereau 2014 Red Bordeaux Supérieur 750ml 150 La Cabane Group Limited https://www.facebook.com/lacabaneavin/ info@lacabane.hk Red fruits, cherry and herbs aroma. Full body with well integrated. Well balanced and long length. 聞香帶有紅果、櫻桃及香料味,酒體強勁,酸度與果味互相緊扣,入口平衡而餘韻綿長。
21 71 Château ROC de Minvielle 2014 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 108 Mega Will Wine Limited https://www.megawillwine.com/ adam@megawillwine.com Typical Everyday Bordeaux wine with berries, cherry and spices aroma. High acidity and soft tannin. 典型每天波爾多風格葡萄酒,帶有野莓、櫻桃及辛辣味,酸度強而口感柔和。
22 74 Château des Graves 2011 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 175 Royal Orchid Wine https://www.royalorchid.com.hk/ donna.ho@mideahk.com Nose of red berry and blackcurrant. Clean structure and smooth tannin. 聞香帶有紅莓及黑加侖子味,酒體順滑,結構整潔。
23 75 Cru de la Maqueline 2014 Red Bordeaux Rouge 750ml 180 Sims Trading Co. Limited https://www.sims.com.hk/en/sims_wine_club.php jshiiki@sims.com.hk Nose of fresh blackcurrant, raspberry and plum. Simple and refreshing wine with long length. 聞香帶有新鮮黑加侖子,覆盆子及梅子香味,入口簡單易飲,感覺清新,餘韻綿長。
24 78 Château German 2014 Red Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux 750ml 89 The Dairy Farm Company Limited https://www.wellcome.com.hk/wd2shop/zh/html/index.html chelau@dairy-farm.com.hk An elegant wine with red fruit and truffle aroma. Well balanced with good acidity. 一支優雅的酒,香味具紅果及黑松露味,酒體平衡並具有優美的酸度。
25 80 Château Roc de Levraut Bordeaux Supérieur 2015 Red Bordeaux Supérieur 750ml 198 Dat's Wine https://www.datswine.com/en/ chrislaw@datswine.com / ivychow@datswine.com Nose of coffee and black fruit. Easy to drink with silky finished. 香味帶有黑色水果及咖啡味,易於入口,酒體幼滑細緻。


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